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In An April Evening

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 18th of March, 2012,
to Frank Luther's music for his 1917 song, 'Down In The Valley'.

A-top Ben Lomond sun melts the snow;
There in the gloaming we watch it go;
Down on the Loch's Isles, lapped by light waves,
People there camping, up at us gaze.

Others canoeing, paddle the deep,
Over calm waters as shadows creep;
Rowers in dinghies bend o'er each oar;
Swimmers in wet-suits dive to explore.

Swimmers, Canoeists, and Oarsmen too,
Soon join the Campers for supper's brew;
While we sip hip-flasks after this toast .....
"Here's to each pastime we love the most"!

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