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Joostice (Justice)

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 9th of March, 2012,
to Teddy Powell, Walter Samuels and Leonard Whitcup's 1935 song,
'Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle'.

sauf=safe; craftin'=crofting; 'neth=beneath; hulls=hills; wids=woods; burns=streams;
wan=won; harns=brains; chaffin'=puzzling; fechts=fights; chynge=change; teen =tune;
oangangin'=ongoing; deen=finished; beild wi tentin'=safeplace with caring people
sin=sun; fyle=while; sklenting=slanting down.

Cambusbarron's lang been sauf fur craftin'
'Neth its hulls, mang its wids, an' by its burns;
It's wan fame in history,
An' lore steep'd in mystery ...
Sich thit-it kep harns aye chaffin'.

Cambusbarron fechts ilk day fur joostice!
"Hans aff oor waaks, an oor wids oan Gillies Hull;
A new quarry's iv'ry bang
Wud syne ne'er be richt bit wrang,
An' nae short o' bein scand'lous."

Gif ye are swith'rin' tae be guid freens o' a' oor greenery,
Noo is the time tae chynge yer teen;
There is aye a place fur yees
Proteckin aa oor birds an trees
Fur the oangangin' fecht's nae deen ....
Mynd oor prood kirkton's aye a bield with tentin'
Aneth its hulls, amang its wids, an' by its burns;
It's wan fame in history,
An' lore steep'd in mystery ...
Fyle sin lang syne's been sklentin'.

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