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Femily Kirkin Lang Syne

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 3rd of January, 2011
to J. Scott Skinner's music for the song, 'The Flower of the Quern';
played here by the late great Ian Powrie of Perthshire, Scotland.

aye=always; gaed=went; kirk=church; fair=quite; ull=hard; fan=when;
thole=put up with; wirk=work; Gweed-wirds=prayers; hard=heard;
micht=might; sauf=save; ilk=each; ken=know; tee=also; buskit=dressed;
dreich=dull; bleck=black; duds=clothes; oot ben=outside; ither=other;
wuds=woods; bit=but; obaidently=obediently; quait=quiet; wa=wall;
syne=then; maist=most; thocht=thought; ava= at all.

Oan Saabath morns we aye gaed tae kirk,
An aft yon wis fair ull tae thole
Fan meenisters pit thur tungs tae wirk
Sae Gweed-wirds hard micht sauf ilk soul.
We didna ken fit-why we wur there,
An tee aye buskit in dreich bleck duds,
Fan oot ben in the waarm sun we'd hear
Lots ither bairnies playin in the wuds.
Bit aye obaidently we sat quait,
As the clock tick'd an tock'd oan the wa,
Excep fan we stood an syne sang ilk hymn,
Maist thocht the kirk wis nae sae bad ava.

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