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Jyne Me In Boston

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 12th of November, 2011,
to the cowboy song, 'There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder'.

There's a lassie in cauld an weet Scotland,
Sich a braw quine wi bonnie blue een
Fa I am howpin wull jyne me in Boston,
An ae day seen be mair nor a freen.

Sae I wull screeve a plea, thit jist micht fin oot gif she'll agree
Tae be ma wife here athort the sea, an a mither ae day tee;
Here I wyte fur ... her answer in Boston
Mebbe sayin she's comin tae me.

Losh! I think I see the mail-man wi letters in his han,
An yin seems like an airmail I can sicht fae faar I stan.

Bit he's noo aff, ower the roddie ...
Nae tae ma hoose, sae naithin fur me .....
Nae tae ma hoose
Och, naithin fur me!

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