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Meesic Maks Ma Wirld Ging Roon

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 1st of November, 2011,
to A. E. Blackmar's 1866 music for the song 'Goober Peas'.

meesic=music: sang=song: dincin=dancing: teenies=tunes: speerits=spirits
wirdies=words: soonds=sounds: dince-staps=dance-steps: fan=when
dool=sad: screevin=writing: howpin=hoping: braw=good: faist=fast: slaa=slow
tee=also: makin=making: meevements=movements: gowden=golden: auldies=oldies
bloiter=blast: wa =wall: flair=floor: decrepit=worn out with age: pins=legs: sair=sore
lichtsome=pleasant: ristin=resting: quaitly=quietly: weer-tees=recovers: pooers=powers
wirld=world: roon=round: hert=heart: stoon=ache

Meesic in the mornin, aifterneen an nicht,
Sang an dincin teenies kep ma speerits hich;
Makin up new wirdies fur the soonds I hear,
Dreamin up new dince-staps fan I git in gear.

Luv sangs, dool sangs, happy sangs an aa,
Screevin wirdies fur 'em, howpin maist are braw;
Dince teens - faist eens, slaa eens I like tee,
Makin meevements fur 'em bonnie-like tae see.

Gowdin auldies pleese me maistly best o' aa;
Thase I've hard thit bloiter drive me up the wa;
Waltzes slaa, an quickstaps, git me oan the flair,
Bit noo I'm decrepit thase mak ma pins sair.

Meesic, meesic, gies me lichtsome oors,
Ristin quaitly tae it, seen weer-tees ma pooers;
Meesic, meesic, maks ma wirld ging roon;
Wi'oot ony meesic ma auld hert wud stoon.

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