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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 27th of september, 2011,
To Harry Jentes 1917 music for his song, 'I Don't want To Get Well'.

[Tam says ...]
"Ye're a canty quine Jean
An a guid-herted freen
Fit why maun ye lea me oan ma lane?
We've been jos thegither, narhan thrang
Tho' lang I've kent thit ae day things micht stert gaen aa wrang
Sae lass bide ye a wee
An syne hearken tae me
I ken yer Mam says thit ye'll hiv tae gang wi her
Wi Pa deid ye dinna airn eneuch noo
Bit losh losh lass I think thit I micht ken hoo
Gif ye baith wull agree
Tae bide langside o' me
We three cud shairly live chaiper nor twa !"

[Jean says...]
"Gif ma Mam shud agree
We wull jyne up wi ye
An nae mair ye'll be aa oan yer lane
There micht be tit-tattle fae a wheen
'Boot twa 'bide-ins' fur ye Tam sae we maun git mairrit seen."

[Tam says ...]
"Och lass thit wud be gran
I'll shair be yer gudeman
I howp yer Mam wints tae meeve-in alang wi us
Wi Jock deid she maun feel aft disjaskit
Bit wi us she'll hiv fem'ly nar attachit
Tho' gif we hiv a bairn
Syne oan oor bittie ferm
We fow'r micht nivver live chaiper nor three !"

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