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Angus Fitchet

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 15th of September, 2011
to part of the 'Silver Wedding Waltz' composed by Angus Fitchet.

Fan the maumie melody o' this waltz comes dreeftin throw the air,
The dincers aa fair tentily sweel doucely roon the flair;
It's a weel kent teenie o' Angus's, the fiddler o' Dundee;
A mannie sae mony hiv loo'd tae hear syne they wur wee.

Ay the glamour fiddle-in fae his bow cast spells faar e'er he gaed;
Bit nane mair nor his waltzes wull ne'er fae Scots' mem'ries fade.
Sae luft up yer tummlers an toast this loon, "Baach Angus, nane match'd ye .....
A graun fiddler whase meesic we'll wint tae hear oontil we dee."

fan = when; maumie = mellow; dreeftin = drifting; throw = through;
dincers = dancers; fair = quite; tentily = carefully; sweel = swirl;
doucely = quietly; roon = round; flair = floor; weel = well; kent = known;
teenie = short tune; mannie = small man; mony = many; hiv = have; syne = since;
glamour = magic; nor = than; luft = lift; tummlers = glasses; bach = shy;
wint = want; oontil = until; dee = die

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