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Howps An Mints

[Hopes And Intentions]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 22nd of July, 2011,
to Sidney Nelson's 1832 music for 'The Sweet Rose of Allandale".

oor = hour : lift = sky : reid = red : win = wind : hard = heard
fite = white : cloods = clouds : abeen = above : sich = such
sicht = sight : whilk = which : waukin = walking : leen = alone
laich = low : sin = sun : glowe = glow : waiknin = wakening
darg = day's work : deen = done : ow'r = over : muckle = much
fain = eager : mak = make : flooer = flower : en = end
pooer = power : maun = must : speer = ask : geen = going
douce = peaceful : wirth = worth : affen = often : danderin = wandering
jyn'd = joined : hearken = listen : a wee = for a short time : wirks = works
hine awa = far away : sik = try : mint = intention : twa = two

The gloamin oor, the lift tinted reid,
Nae win hard, or fite cloods abeen;
Sich wis the sicht whilk cam tae John's een,
Fan he gaed oot waukin leen.

The laich sin's glowe waiknin', its darg deen,
Bit nae ow'r muckle tae hide
The ootline o' Miss Jean McIntosh,
Fa he's been fain tae mak his bride.

This Jean's a bonny flooer;
This Jean he'd tae life's en luve her;
Sae noo wi' aa the pooer he his,
He maun woo her, an woo her, an woo her.

"Miss Jean, says he, micht I speer o' ye
Why ye're leen, far ivver ye're geen?"
"John I tak wauks fan evenins are douce
An sinsets are wirth the seein."

"Braw Jean weel this I ken fur affen I've seen
Ye at evenin fan danderin roon.
An thit's noo why dear lassie sae fair
I hiv jyn'd ye tae talk an spoon."

"Och John, pleese wull ye hearken a wee;
I hiv a jo fa wirks hine awa;
Sae dinna sik tae come wooin me,
Fur it'll ne'er be ma mint tae luve twa;
Na laddie, I canna luve twa!"

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