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The Cairn Oan The Meer

[The Cairn On The Moor]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 20th of June, 2011,
based on the story told in the Gaelic song, "Carn Air A'mhonadh",
and the music written by Duncan Johnstone for it.

Please big up the moniment aa freens an aa faithfu;
Please big up the moniment hich oan Beinn Bhain.
Please big up the moniment oan bluidy Islay;
Syne we wull win Arran, sae big up the cairn.

Heist up the Arran man, syne we'll lea Islay.
Heist up ma Angus fae faar he wis slain.
Ay! Heist up the Arran man, tak him aneth;
Inch-Arran I'm sichtin, sae big up the cairn.

Pleese cairry ma gudeman's corp freens ow'r tae Arran;
He focht aye wi honour oan the meers o' Beinn Bhain.
Please gang noo tae the hairbour an git redd the sailboat;
Seen she wull cairry ma dear Angus hame.

Ay! Heist up the Arran man, syne we'll lea Islay.
Ay! Heist up ma Angus fae faar he wis slain.
Ay! Heist up the Arran man, tak him aneth;
Inch-Arran I'm sichtin, sae big up the cairn.

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