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The Clachan Baal

[The Village Ball]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 9th of June, 2011,
to a lively dance tune called, 'Trip To Bavarie'.

Come, dince an sang the nicht awa
Doon in McHardy's Ha;
Ay fur yon's the way tae hiv a baal,
Makin mirky an aa chiels canty;
Twirlin pairtners roon the flair;
Clappin hans oontil they're sair;
Yon gies aa fowks muckle pleesur at the clachan baal.

Drams o' naftie, mony gaffies
Doon in McHardy's Ha;
Duntin teenies, drumin speenies
Sen the dincers dirlin, whirlin;
They git drouthy, fur a whisky,
Hungert fur a bun an aa,
Afore they tak the flair aince mair doon at the clachan baal.

List an tak this bit advyce
Ging tae the clachan baal;
Shair dinna bide hame lane yon nicht;
Git oot faist an jyne the pairty,
Twirlin pairtners roon the flair;
Clappin hans oontil they're sair;
Yon gies aa fowks muckle pleesur at the clachan baal;

Drams o' naftie, mony gaffies
Doon in McHardy's Ha;
Duntin teenies, drumin speenies
Sen the dincers dirlin, whirlin;
They git drouthy, fur a whisky,
Hungert fur a bun an aa,
Afore they tak the flair aince mair doon at the clachan baal.

dince=dance : sang=sing : nicht=night : doon=down : ha=hall : baal= special dance
mirky=merry : chiels=people : canty=cheery : flair=floor : sair=sore : fowks=folks
much=much : clachan=village : naftie=liquor : mony=many : gaffies=guffaws
duntin=thumping : teenies=tunes : dirlin=vibrating : drouthy=thirsty : hungert=hungry
bide=stay : hame=home : lane=alone : faist=fast : jyne=join : pairty=party

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