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The Biter Bit

Wirdies screeved bi John Henderson oan the 3rd o' June, 2011,
to Josef Meissler's main melody in his 1870s waltz called Dream Faces.

Scots' sangs fae Norlans, wi thur canty tunes,
An doric wirdies, screev'd fur quines an loons;
Thase 'teuk the biscuit', as maist fowks did gree
Tho' fyow fae England, fa said,
"Dearie-me .....
....what a strange language, and such clumsy tunes;
Like many wild wolves howling to their moons;
They must learn English, read and write no Scots;
Our MPs actions will brain-wash their tots."

Sae cam it efter, ilka lad an lass
Wis edicated, in King's Speech 'en masse';
Sae mony-leidit, faar the Scots hiv geen
Tae kwintries wirld-ow'r, they hae caa'd the teen !


English Glossary!
canty=cheery : doric=dialect : wirdies=words : screev'd=written
quines=females : loons=males : fowks=folks : gree=agree
fyow=few : ilka=every : mony-leidit=multi-lingual : geen gone
kwintries=countries : wirld=world : ow'r=over : caa'd=called ; teen=tune

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