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Hame in Kinglassie

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 24th of May, 2011 to part of 'Mrs Elder's Waltz' played by the Jimmy Shand Jnr. Scottish Country Dance Band

The remish o' reyndraps pit-patterin doon
Wis meesic sae dool thit it makt ma hert stoond
Fur the sicht o' ma jo Jean fa lived in a toon
Far awa ow'r the Tay caa'd Kinglassie.

Ma cot up in Clova she'd shair hiv caa'd hame
Gif ainly her Pa wid hiv bided his lane,
But sich wis a maitter wi whilk he'd hiv nane
Far awa ow'r the Tay in Kinglassie.

I kenned thit I maun lea ma wee but an ben;
Fit wirk I micht fin syne I didna weel ken,
But I loo'd ma Jean muckle mair than ma glen;
Sae I gaed aff neist morn tae Kinglassie.

I wauked tae Dundee an crossed ower the Tay;
Ma speerits wur bricht as the wedder in May
Wi hich howps ma jo Jean wid hug me an say,
"I'm sae gled thit ye've come tae Kinglassie."

Fae Tayport in Fife I syne heided aff sooth,
An ate up the miles fyle aft slaikin ma drouth
Oontil in the gloamin the sicht o' Jean's roof
Meant I'd fun ma jo's hame in Kinglassie.

Her faither seemed pleesed fae the leuk on his face,
An glammached my han wi waarm canty guid grace;
Syne laachted a wee bittie fan I tirned ma gaze
An ma airms tae oor Jean o' Kinglassie.

I pairtnered Jean's Pa wi the wirk oan his lan.
An mairrit his dochter whilk wis muckle gran;
Noo we hiv a Graunpa .... a michty prood man,
Fa wis na lea'd aa lane in Kinglassie.

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