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Screevin Tae Ma Bonnie

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 11th of February, 2011,
to the chorus from Roy Turk's 1922 music for the song,
Just Because You're You

Hearken here tae me, fit wye I'm doolsome;
It's because o' ye, an fit ye hiv deen;
Fit wye ye've gaed awa, I dinna ken ava,
Ma hert is bruik in twa noo ye've lea'd me leen.
Pleese come back tae me, the toon is oorlich,
Faar it's nivver saff tae wanner up an doon;
Thit's yin guid rizzon fur retirnin,
An it's nae jist youtheid girnin
Fae me a luv-seek loon.

Kwintry life is guid, mang wids an feedles,
An it's hamely fowks fa ne'er dae ilk hairm;
Sae fan ye've hud aneuch, an fin the toon fair teuch,
Bid it nae fond adieu, syne mak fur oor fairm.
Dugs'll wag thur tails, an I'll be thenkfu
Thit a chynge o' myn his brocht ma bonnie here;
Ye'll hiv yir rizzons fur retirnin,
Whilk micht be ma tentin yearnin
Fur ye ma lang syne dear.

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