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Waashin Aa Fykes Awa

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 14th of September, 2010,
to part of Johan Strauss Jr.'s music called 'Enchantment Waltzes'.

Losh, lass, sweem aroon wi me;
Bricht, sin, sheens abeen the sea;
An the waater is fair het,
'Neugh tae mak ye seen foryet
Cauld, days, wi thur ice an snaa;
Sherp, reyn, an fell wins an aa;
Bit och noo it is the simmer
Wi nae-sich-fykes ava!

Dip ilk fit an syne yir hurdies neist yir heid intae the faim,
An ye'll fin the sea is waarm an nae daen ye ony hairm;
Leuk aroon an see the fun an enterteenment there can be,
Fan ye are plowt'rin an ye are spleet'rin fyle ye are sweemin roon wi me!

Dip ilk fit an syne yir hurdies neist yir heid intae the faim,
An ye'll fin the sea is waarm an nae daen ye ony hairm;
Leuk aroon an see the fun an enterteenment there can be,
Fan ye are plowt'rin an ye are spleet'rin fyle ye are sweemin roon wi me!

Ay, lass, come-ye awa wi me;
Tae, the, sans an in the sea;
Far saut-waater gies fowks tirns
'Wa fae sturts an eeswal girns;
An, days, spylt by ice an snaa;
Sherp reyn an fell wins an aa;
Takin guid nips wi the sinsheen
Waashin aa fykes awa!

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