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A Hert Warmin Twasome

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 26th of April, 2010,
to part of Galen Wilkes' 1983 music for 'Sedalia Stomp';
played here by Sue Keller.

Noo Will's gettin auld an wabbit
He disnae dince sae affen;
Bit fan he hears this braw teenie,
Bleed coorses, an seen flochts his myn.
Ilk fit tappin, like a halflin,
He neist is up an jiggin;
His dwine pins daen sich fineerin,
It wud'iv shair tirn'd ye nar-blin !

Jean, Will's kimmer, jines the pairty,
Her hans upoan his shooder;
Hauds oan lichtly, birls him brichtly,
Een spirkin, sae happy tae be there.
Fow'r pins jimpin, baith them lauchin,
They boonce like in thur bairnheid;
Shair foryettin auld-age peyns,
Och, a hert-waarmin-braw-twasome indeed.

English Translation:

Now Will's getting old and tired
He doen't dance so often
But when he hears this fine little tune
Blood courses and soon excites his mind
Each foot tapping, like a youth
He next is up and dancing
His wasting-away legs doing such fancy-work
It would have surely turned you nearly blind

Jean, Will's wife, joins the party
Her hands upon his shoulder
Holds on lightly, swings him round brichtly
Eyes sparkling, so happy to be there
Four legs jumping, both of them laughing
They bounce like in their infant days
Certainly forgetting old-age pains
Gosh, a heart-warming fine twosome indeed

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