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Nae Mercy

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 13th of August, 2010,
to Whiting and Harling's music for the 1930s' song, 'Beyond The Blue Horizon'.

The het, the noo, in Paph-os, is, gey blobbielike tee,
Whilk maks fowks mang fur mer-cy thit lane cweelwins gie;
The sin abeen is hod-den, in harr thit's sappy wi stame,
Fit maks a bir-sin ceuker oot o' il-ka hame.

E'en nicht, in bed in Paph-os, is, gey sair oan oor geets,
Fur sleep is ull tae come-by, fan swate sypes thur sheets;
Tho' fans abeen are bir-lin, an air-condeeshuners blaa,
Sich maks life e'en mair oorlich fae thur noise an aa !

blobbielike = humid
mang = yearn
harr = mist
sappy = moist
stame = steam
birsin ceuker = pressure cooker
geets = kids
swate = sweat
sypes = soaks
oorlich = miserable

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