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Fit Is The Maitter?

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 24th of April, 2010,
to Charlie Tobias and Peter De Rose's 1932 music for 'Somebody Loves You'.
Banjo played here by Jim Bottorrf.

Pa says ...
"Fit is the maitter, fit wye dae ye greet ?
Is it the widder thit's gien ye cauld feet ?
Anse is't yon quinie fa's makt yir hert sair
Cause she'll wauk wi ye tae schule nae mair ?"

His wee loon says ....
"Na's nae the widder, an naither is't Jean;
I'm weerin waarm bits, an she's aye ma freen;
It's oor wee budgie, he's fleed tae the wids,
An noo we've ainly gat sids!"

Pa says ...
"Thon's aisy mendit, come ye 'lang wi me;
I'll coff anither wee budgie fur ye;
I'll git the trap oot, an we'll ging tae toon,
Sae dicht yir weet een ma bon-nie loon."

His wee loon says ....
"Fit a graun faither ye aye are tae me,
Jantin tae toon syne, a new budgie tee;
I'll be mair watchfu an tak better tent
Nor ow'r 'Joe', fa cam an went."

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