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Plowt'rin Aboot

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 14th of April, 2010,
to John Kander's 1966 music for 'Life Is A Cabaret'.
Banjo played here by Jim Bottorrf.

Come oan we'll sweem noo the sea's waarm an douce,
Rin oot an plump stracht doon;
Tirn oan oor backs an float a wee,
Neist wi a birl tirn roon;
Pit thrang wirk's trachles richt oot o' oor heids,
Noo is oor time fur play,
Till aa the het gangs oot the sin,
Fan it's drapt ow'r the bay.

Losh bit it's gran, wi fit an airm,
Plowt'rin aboot aa ulls foryetin fur we ken there's cweel sans waitin;
In the pale munelicht we'll there hunker doon
Till gloamin aa fades awa;
Jist ae quine an her loon thur lane
As pick-mark shaddas fa.

Losh bit it's gran, wi fit an airm,
Plowt'rin aboot aa ulls foryetin fur we ken there's cweel sans waitin;
In the pale munelicht we'll there hunker doon
Till gloamin aa fades awa;
Jist ae quine an her loon thur lane,
Twa richt contentit chiels thur lane
As pick-mark lang shaddas fa.

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