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Oor Fem'ly Kilt

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 14th of April, 2010,
to Harry Von Tilzer's 1911 music for 'I Want A Girl'.

'Mang the eeseless claes ma mither aye wid mak fur me,
Wur flannen breeks sae gee, thit happ'd ablo ma knee;
Ilka time I speer'd her, "Fit wye wachty troosers aye,
Fan ither mithers think a kilt's baith licht an trig forbye?"
She'd syne leuk at me fair dool whilk makt me feel a thochtless fule.

("Och Ma!") unspoken .....

I wint a kilt, jist like the kilt
Ma faither'd weert wi pride;
He'd hud guid legs, an aye scried-oot, "Fegs,
Ma knees I'll nivver hide!"
Wi thit ma widda Ma seen chyng'd her teen,
An wyved lang ootil ma kilt wis deen;
Greetin a wee, bit prood o' me,
Weel plaidit at her side.

I gat thon kilt, jist like the kilt
Ma faither'd weert wi pride;
He'd hud guid legs, an aye scried-oot, "Fegs,
Ma knees I'll nivver hide!"
I weert oor fem'ly kilt, an leuk'd sae gran,
Winnin lots o' lassies ow'r the lan;
Ilk wis aye tee, sae prood tae be
Seen waukin bi ma side.

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