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The New Dominie

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 6th of April, 2010,
to Joseph W. Stern's 1895 music for the song 'The Teacher And The Boy'.

A new Dom'nie cam tae oor auld kirkton schule
In a fair weel-aff pairt o' the lan;
Oor bairns wur eeswally weel-clad as a rule,
An thit day they leuked jist gran;
Excepin ae laddie, aa raggit an thin,
Fa he caa'd oot syne speer'd him a wee ...
"Och, fit wye are yir claes aa sae taa'er'd an din?"
An the lad gied this doolsome replee ....

"Pleese dinna flyte me, I ken ma claes are peer;
I hae nae ithers, sae thase I aye maun weer;
I hae nae faither, mither wirks her lane
Frae morn's feerst licht till comes the nicht
Tae kep oor hame."

Interlude ....

Oor Dom'nie felt wae at the vratch's sair plicht,
An the poortith noo us fowks cud see;
Sae haudin him tichtly he patted his heid,
An sweesh'd a tear frae his ee;
Thit ev'nin he caa'd by the lad's fem'ly hame
Faur he seen brocht new howp tae them aa,
Fur the pairis hid fun claes an sheen fur ilk yin,
Sae nae mair shud they suffer ava.

Faur's noo thon laddie, an fit becam o' him?
List fyle I tell ye, he's wyse an soond o' limb;
Yit his nae faither, mither she's sae prood,
Fur her ain lad's noo Dominie,
An aye daen good !

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