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Sula An Jura

Lyrics composed by Grandad John Henderson on the 5th of April, 2010,
to J. Fred Coots 1930s' music for, 'The Beautiful Lady In Blue'.


Oor labrador Sula is smert;
She kens aa fowks' guffs aff bi hert;
An her lugs are aye keen tho' she's 'wa bi teen, whilk
Ower us gies a verra guid stert.

Her wee cuzzin she is cried Jura,
Bleck syne fyle Sula is broon;
Thegither they are guid pairtners,
Tho' Sula as boss caa's the tune.

Ilk day they ging oot fur a rin;
Baith need sich tae keep them in trim;
Tho' auld Sula is slow'r than in days o' yore
Aft Jura alloos her tae win.

Sich pruvs thit oor Jura's nae fule;
Frae Sula she maun lern ilk rule;
Sae bi keepin her sweet in the hoose an the street
Syne fur her there'll be nae duggie schule !

Oor twa wee graun-sons love baith o' thase duggies,
Aye gien them a lot o' big hugs;
'Speeshally fan it's nar bedtime,
'Fore they flop doon oan thur rugs.

Shair ilk is a wonnerfu freen;
The best thit there ivver his been;
Ye can tell they're baith spry, an herty, och ay,
Aa thur tail-wags an lichts in thur een.


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