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Mairrit Cousins

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 29th of March, 2010
to Frank Weldon's 1933 music for the song, 'I Like Banjo Music'.

I luv braw Jean Dandie
Wha bides affa handy
Jist doon the street frae me a wee;
I've kenn'd her fur years noo
Throw ilka smile an boo-hoo,
An aft I howp'd we'd waddit be.

Her Ma's ma Aunt-y Bea,
Her Pa is ma Uncle Jeemmy;
Bit thon's nae fash ...
It's aa richt fur the twa o' us tae mairry.
Whan aa's deen an distit,
Jist lik hoo we've wiss'd it,
We'll be a tichter femily.

Jean is noo Jean Cairnie,
An Bea she's oor bairnie
Wha's Grand-Aunt Bea's her Granny Bea;
Bit it maun be myndit
Thit Jeemy he is bindit
Grandpa an Bea's Grand-Uncle tee.

Oor 'Bea' we seen caa'd 'Trish',
An nae 'Beatrice' or 'Beanie';
Fur tis a fash
Whan fowks cry oot 'Bea' in oor street an fem'ly;
Whan she's a bit aulder,
Whit wull chiels syne caa her,
Gif she wads intae Royalty?

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