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Jock and Jimmy

[Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 1st of February, 2010,
to Albert Von Tilzer's music for the song 'Down Where The Swanee River Flows'.]

"Wud ye like tae wanner ben, the meers an dells ye ees'd tae ken?
Losh wud thon nae be jist the graunest thing ye've deen-fur-years? ....
There's the bonnie hedder bells, oan the braes o braw Campsie Fells,
Whaur the yowes an the rams are aye grazin fyle thur, hogs loup up an doon;
Maun ye retirn tae fremmit pairts,
An aince mair brak Scottish hairts ?
..... .....
As ye leuk whaur thon river rins, aye wimplin gytely
Alang the Carse whaur guid craps stan fell wedder's girns,
Hoo can ye thole tae-ging ?
Yir ainly brither Tam maun-tak-tent-o yir auld mam,
Howkin the airth fyle ye ludge-oan wi UNCLE SAM ! ...
Div ye nae hear yir doolsome mither?
Dis aa her greetin nae jist mak ye shiver?"

"Och ay, I wis aulest an nane stapp'd me
Frae gaen awa ... tae ... the USA, .... ....
Bit I'm nae bidin here e'en I hear yir plea
Ma fem'ly noo is there sae faur awa wye ow'r the sea ...
An thon's whaur ae day I wull dee."

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