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Ye Mauna Wauk Yer Lane

[You Must Not Walk Alone]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 9th of January, 2010,
to Al Piantadosi's music for the 1913 song, 'The Curse Of An Aching Heart'.

Tae aa guid freens athort the wirld,
Farivver ye micht be,
I howp ye'll fin the days aheid
Nae muckle ull tae dree.
Gif tribbles come tae ye at hame,
An fyow e'er jouk sich peyn;
Bide in guid hert an kep in mynd,
"Ye mauna wauk yer lane."

Ye shudna wauk yer lane ilk day,
Ye shudna wauk yer lane,
Sae fan maist-yer-life's a sair, sair fecht,
Yer speerit oan the wane ...
Mak siccar syne ye caa oan freens
Fa'll hearken tae yer sturts;
Fur gif they ken nowt aboot yer plicht,
They can ne'er tak tent far it hurts.

Aince mair guid freens athort the wirld,
Farivver thit micht be,
I howp ye'll fin the days aheid
Haud pleesur an nae gee.
Fur blessins thit micht come yer wye,
Thenk Gweed anse gif ye've nane,
Mynd this wee bit o soond advyce,
"Ye mauna wauk yer lane."

Ye shudna wauk yer lane ilk day,
Ye shudna wauk yer lane;
An widder yer life gangs up anse doon,
Thur's opshuns tae be taen.
Mak siccar yin's tae hiv troo'd pals,
Acquantances an aa;
Fur it's nae guid aye tae wauk yer lane !
Losh thon's nae wirthfyle life ava !


To all good friends across the world
Wherever you might be
I hope you'll find the days ahead
No great hardship to endure
If troubles come to you at home
And few ever avoid such pain
Stay in good heart and keep in mind
"You must not walk alone."

You shouldn't walk alone each day
You shouldn't walk alone
So when most of your life's a sore, sore fight
Your spirit on the wane
Make sure then you call on friends
Who'll listen to your strifes
For if they know nothing about your plight
They can never take care where it hurts

Once more good friends across the world
Wherever that might be
I hope you'll find the days ahead
Hold pleasure and not sullenness
For blessings that might come your way
Thank God or if you've none
Remember this little bit of sound advice
"You must not walk alone."

You shouldn't walk alone each day
You shouldn't walk alone
And whether your life goes up or down
There are options to be taken
Make sure one's to have trusted friends
Aquaintances as well
For it's not good always to walk alone
Gosh that's no worthwhile life at all

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