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Ma Napper's Gaen Beld

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 22nd of December, 2009
to the chorus from Scott Joplin's tune for the song, 'When Your hair Is Like The Snow'.

Ma napper's gaen beld;
Fit hair I hiv is fite;
Tho' oan naebody wull I pit the wite;
Bit fur clippin I maun pey aye the same price onywye;
It's richt scicie an a scunner whilk fair drives me gyte, och ay !

Tae pu oan ow'r ma heid
I've thochts tae buy a wig;
Fur sich as thon wid shairly mak me trig !
Bit gif it wis tae blaa aff, it micht pit me in a flaff
Muckle mair nor fan I toom ma pooch wye ow'r the odds by half !

napper = head
beld = bald
fite = whaite
wite = blame
scicie = annoying
scunner = nuisance
gyte = crazy
trig = neat and tidy
flaff = flap
toom = empty
pooch = pocket

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