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Christmases Ahead

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 22nd of December, 2009
to the lovely melodies of 'The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi'.

Though our world is torn and poor folks forlorn
From disasters and endless strifes;
Though we long for a world where peace will reign,
Not bombs and not guns, nor knives ....
We must not rest, and just hope for the best
While we bury our heads in the sand;
But rather show we can get-up and go,
Through our giving or lending a hand ....

Then Christmas ev'ry year may soon lessen fear
And pain sore borne before;
For Christmas should be a peaceful time,
'Cos dear Mary a Jesus bore.
The fine words that Christ spoke and the solace he gave
Are such blessings on Christians still,
That each Christmas tree should remind all that He
Loves folks dearly and ever will.

Then Christmases ahead should soon lessen dread
And all ills borne of yore;
And Christmas should be a joyous time,
'Cos Mary a Jesus bore.
The great truths that Christ spoke and the comfort these gave
Are such blessings on true Christians still,
While each Christmas tree should convince all that He
Loves folks dearly and ever will.

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