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Ma Ain Auld Fowks

[My Own Elderly Parents]

(In 19th Century Scotland)

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of December, 2009,
to a Sigmund Romberg waltz.

There's twa auld fowks I loo-richt-weel,
An thase twa fowks loo me;
Twa herts I kent as kind-an-leal
Whate'er the fash micht be.
Twa heids weel kirned wi fite-an-grey,
Fa thocht o' me sae fine;
Twa pairs o' een that mony a day, grat
Sae sairly for me lang lang syne.

Thase twa douce fowks teuk tent-o'-me,
As I gaed royd alang;
I dinna ken gif tae lauch-or-greet
Fyle singin them this sang.
Ma Ma'am and Pa are thon-braw-twa
Fa tae ma hert are dear,
An mony a nicht, e'en far far awa, in
Ma thochts I aye ticht haud them near.

There's ne'er a funk o' caller-wins,
Anse harrs lik hamelan ains,
Bit caa back times thit-I've-foryat,
Wi chitters in ma banes.
Thur lang sair fechts ow'r-mony-years
Tae kep me hale an fere,
An aa the dool oors daver'd wi ilk's tears
Fae bein aye wabbit an peer.

They're twa auld fowks I loo-richt-weel,
An baith o' them loo me;
Twa chiels in Scotland oan-thur-lane,
Fyle I'm miles ow'r the sea;
Noo they need me, bleed o-thur-troth
I canna len a han,
Bit prig the Maister in the here-efter
Wull hae them in His promised lan.


[My Own Elderly Parents]

[In 19th Century Scotland]

There are two old people I love right well
An these two people live me
Two hearts I knew as kind and loyal
What ever the trouble might be
Two heads well covered with white and grey
Who thought so well of me
Two pairs of eyes that many a day
Wept so sorely for me long long ago

These two gentle people took care of me
As I went unruly onwards
I don't know if to laugh or weep
While singing them this song
My mother and father are these fine pair
Who are dear to my heart
And many a night even far far away
In my thoughts I always tighty hold them close by

There is never a breath of fresh winds
Or else mists like homeland ones
But they recall times that I have forgotten
With shivers in my bones
Their long sore fights over many years
To keep me healthy
And all the sad hours numbed with each other's tears
From being always tired and poor

They are two old people I love right well
An both of them love me
Two people in Scotland on their own
While I'm miles over the sea
Now they need me, blood of their marriage
I cannot lend a hand
But pray that the Master in the here-after
Will have them in His promised land.

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