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Minnie An Jimmy

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of November, 2009,
to George L. Cobb's 1914 song, 'A Holiday In Dixieland'.

"Come oan ma 'Min', jine - me - doon by the sea;
We'll - sweem - sae happily;
Spirk ilk ither douce-like,
It's sich a waarm day;
Be slaa an unca baachie;
Git yir sweem-suit an yir toolie,
An aff we'll ging tae oor-play
Whaur the waves wull be gran,
Shair noo, Ah'll tak yir han!
Fyle we're plowterin in Brodick Bay."

"Och ma 'Jim', Ah - micht - ging tae the sea,
Gin - ye - tak tent o' me;
Bit there'll be nae spirkin,
E'en tis a waarm day;
Mynd weel!
Be douce fur A'll be fearfu,
Scoofin waater by the moofu;
Bit let's ging aff tae oor-play
Whaur fur me peels'll be gran,
Be shair ye haud ma han
Fyle we're jist paiddlin in Brodick Bay."

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