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Winter an Spring

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 12th of November, 2009,
to V. Soloviev-Sedoy and M. Matusonsky's song, 'Muscovian Nights'.

Och it's cauld the nicht in oor kirkton hame,
An maist fowks bide roon ingle-cheeks;
In the lift abeen, aye the bricht norlan lichts dae sheen,
Fyle the auld mune he ainly baachly keeks.
Winter wedder's dool as Ma Natur aye plays the fule
Days oan en bit mair affen weeks an weeks.

Lang fowks mang for Spring wi its waarm croose face,
Fan thur gairdens waak an birds tweet
In the lift abeen, an frae brench or in beilds unseen
Naithin noo maun garr fowks tae main or greet.
Winter wedder's geen an thur's flooers an sids tae wean
Wi mair sin an reyn shoo'rin waarmly weet.

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