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Back-en's Cruelties [Autumn's Cruelties]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 28th of September, 2009,
to Jack Caddigan and James A. Brannen's 1915 song, 'In The Golden Summertime'!

Daylicht oors are nae sae lang
Fyle I sing this doolsome sang;
Fur I weel ken simmer's weert awa
Fan chill-wins nae pirr-winnies blaa!
Syne nae mair green leaves clead ilk tree,
Aa tirn'd broon tae drap an dee
As air Autumn's freests murle them intil dist
Wae is me!

Geen's the guid auld simmertime,
Waarm bricht gowden simmertime;
Nae mair oot waukin wi ma loo'd lass;
Nae mair ticht deltin upoan the girse;
Och sich is sae ull-tae-dree,
E'en we baith shair gree,
Aye mair chancy we be
Nor leaves affa the trees,
In the back-en's cruelties!

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