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Rinny Snoot

[Runny Nose]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 16th of September, 2009
to Milton Ager's 1930 tune for the song 'Happy Feet'.

rinny = runny
snoot = nose
syne = then
dreep = drip
blaws = blows
din = done
thon = that
seen = soon
redd oot = clean out
snots = mucous
goorie = bits of slime
leuk = look
cairpet = carpet
sheen = shoes
turk = angry
smert = smart
skelp = slap
lug = ear
glaikit = stupid
gyte = crazy
stap = stop
dichters = wipes
flair = floor
dinna ken = don't know
aiblins = perhaps
weel = well
tee = also / too
fan = when
mair = more

Rin-ny snoot;
I've gat a rinny snoot !
Jings ! it is poorin oot,
Syne dreepy-dreep-dreepin;

I've gat nae
Saft tis-sue pap-er blaws,
Or ony ither dicht !
Fit's tae be din
Wi' sich-a snoot
Bit snift-ter-in ?
Mebbe thon
Wul seen redd-oot the snots,
Wot-nots, and wee green dots
Thit mak-up sich goorie ?

Och noo leuk-doon
At the cairpet,
An' ma sheen tee,
Frae ma rin-rin-rin-rinny snoot.


Mammy's turk ....
"Jist leuk at ma smert rug !
Losh I cud skelp yir lug
Ye glaikit-gyte laddie."

"Och Ma, Nae!
I cudna stap ma snoot,
An' didna dichters hae;
Fit's tae be din
Wi snoot an flair
I dinna ken;
Aiblins ye
Wul seen redd-oot the snots,
Wot-nots, and wee green dots
Thit mak-up sich goorie ?

"Och ay laddie
I'll dicht ye weel,
An' the rug tee,
Fan ye've blaw-blawed an' nae mair sniffed !"

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