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Faithfu Tentin Wyes

[Faithful Caring Ways]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 6th of May, 2009,
to Grace (Le Boy) Kahn's 1917 music for the song,
'Those Olden Golden Days Of Long Ago'.

(First verse and chorus in N.E. Doric)
(Repeat verse and chorus in English, slightly paraphrased)

Short Introduction

Fyles fan nicht's markness wis faa'in aa ow'r the hulls an wids tee,
A wreith's vyce cud be hard caa'in, 'Hearken fowks weel tae me!' .......

"Yir auncients' days wur oorlich days fur bidin fere in Fife;
Bit aa Hendersons we streevit thrang tae thole an sproot oan lang an strang;
Sich bleed-kin noo, I howp ye troo, are wirth guid myndin o'
Fur thur faithfu, tentin wyes fae sae mony hunner years ago."

Whiles when night's darkness was falling all o'er the hills and woods too,
A ghost's voice could be heard calling, 'Listen folks well, all do!' .........

"Your elders' days were dreadful days for staying well in Fife;
But all Hendersons we strove right on to bear and flourish long and strong;
Such blood-kin so, I hope you'll know, are worth remembrance o'
For their faithful, caring ways from many hundred years ago."

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