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The Speug Thit Spak

[The Sparrow That Spoke]

Words composed by John Henderson on the 2nd of May, 2009
to Gene Autry and Ray Whitley's 1940 tune for 'I'm Back In The Saddle Again'.

A speug cam tae sit-oan oor wa;
Chirp'd oot 'Hiya' tae us aa;
Neist it weel-fulled up its maw
Wi the breidcrumbs we'd let faa,
Afore it gaed flaff'rin awa.

"Did ye hear fit it spak ?"
I gied ma knee a sherp smack. ...
"Losh thon bird has lerned tae crack
As weel's cheep, an that's a fack;
I wonner hoo it gat the knack."

"Hey wee speug, tell aa;
Hoo'ist ye spik braw?"
The speug feerst didna replee;
Bit perch'd oan ma knee,
Syne chirp'd tae me,
"It's jist a tak-aff fae ye!"

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