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Twa Auld Dears

Lyrics composed by John on 16th April, 2009
to Billy Mayhew's music for 'Tis A Sin To Tell A Lie'.

I'll ivver mynd, o oor times, thegither
In twa lans sae hine apairt;
Thoosands o wirds syne wur spaken,
Och we fair enjoyed sich crackin.
USA, the UK, oan veesits
Whaur we jined oor herts as ain;
An I bet ma bits,
We'll aye chirp lik twa tits,
Fan we mynd the things we've daen ....

Lik clambin the hulls abeen ma toon,
Neist waukin mair braes doon tae Fintry;
Syne efter years, we twa auld dears,
Aince mair daunnert aroon in yir braw-kwinitry.

The pleesur bides, o the oors, thegither
'Speesh'ly thase hud in yir close;
Jawin 'wa at the keukin,
Times at ilk yin fondly leukin.
Baith jaloused, pairt we maun, come mornin;
Fur hoo lang we cudna ken;
Tho it hud been graun,
Bein aince mair haun in haun,
Guid things aft come tae an en.
The pleesur bides, o the oors, thegither
'Speesh'ly thase hud in yir close;
Jawin 'wa at the keukin,
Times at ilk yin fondly leukin.
Baith jaloused, pairt we maun, come mornin;
Fur hoo lang we cudna ken;
Tho it hud been graun,
Bein aince mair haun in haun,
Guid things aft come tae an en.

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