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Oan Sang

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 23rd of March, 2009
to James Tim Brymn's 1902 music for the song, 'Please Let Me Sleep'.

Sing wi me this canty sang
O' a luv thit's bided strang,
Fur baith thegither they've kept aye in teen,
Nae maitter mony ups an doons there hiv been.
Gey fyow ull notes e're wid soon
'Tween quine Jeanie an John loon,
An gin sich did they wid nae tak lang, nae lang,
Tae win back seen-oan sang.
They hid nae been mairrit verra, verra lang
Fan twa wee bairnies they cam alang
An aa thegither thon kyre chirmed in teen
Wi meesic graun as thur ivver his been.
Gey fyow ull notes thur wid be
E'er amang aa thon braw femily,
An gin sich did they'd nae tak lang, nae lang,
Tae win back, aye tae win back-oan ,
Tae win back weel-oan sang.

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