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Past and Present

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 20th of January, 2009
to Larry Shay's 1925 music for the song, 'Tie Me To Your Apron Strings Again'.

Bens tow'r in my homeland o'er the sea;
Their peaks call out forlorn, "Where have you gone?"
"Far from where you still stand proud though bare
To welcome those who dare, to scale and stare.
I'll ne'er forget the views, that you displayed,
Nor the sheer majesty that Bens parade;
But for aged men like me, oh dear.
These past days must stay mere memories, I fear."

Friends and fam'ly all around the world,
Your keyboards type to say, "Hope you're OK?"
Far from where you live and work each day,
I welcome all your mails, and what you say.
It's great to have the power, to instantly
Communicate our news on a PC;
Sedentary as I am a lot,
I'm inspired by what technology has wrought.

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