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Dumptee-Dummin It The Nicht

A Song for my pals in WA, USA !

Lyrics composed by John 'Jockie' Henderson on the 20th of January, 2009
to Frank Loesser and Milton Delugg's 1950s music to 'Hoop-Dee-Doo'.

Fit like Jon? Fit like Sal?
Here is mair rhymin frae auld Jockie yir pal.
Leave yir chair, tak the flair,
Here's a croose teenie fur wul dincin ow'r there;
It's a treat, sich a beat,
It's got me dystin oot o sicht;
Seen fan ye can kep the beat,
It wull mak ye leuk a treat,
Hop-Scotch polka-in the nicht

Fan Ben's banjo's strummin - 'dumptee-dum-dum-dum',
Its affa gran, best in the lan;
Fan Sammy's concertina birses oots an ins,
Fowks naarhan dince, oot o thur skins;
Fan Freddy's fiddle maks the trio aa its skwyles are hard in Rio,
Bit the teen's nae spyled fur quines and loons ....
For thur pins kep oan daen, sich wul-lik ups an doons
In mony 'dum-dum' Hop-Scotch polka toons.


Noo syne Jon ! Ye tee Sal !
Ye've hard the rhymin o auld Jockie yir pal;
Sae git up, oan the flair,
Eese this croose teenie fur wul dincin ow'r there;
It's a treat, sich a beat,
Ye'll seen be dystin oot o sicht;
Syne fan ye can kep the beat,
It wull mak ye leuk a treat ....
Hop-Scotch polka-in wi aa o yir micht -
Reyn micht fa an sna an aa;
Naithin'll stap ye baith ava.
Dumptee-dummin it the nicht!

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