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Ma Bonnie Weel Hodden Fa'

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 13th of January, 2009
to part of Dan Casler's music for the song, 'Honey Bunch'.

The graun Niag'ra Fa's are braw;
An the richt majeestic Victoria Fa's an aa;
Bit gin Ah wis tae be gien some mair wales
Frae whaur waater ow'r auncient smeeth'd stanes skales,
'Twid be a wee peel an burns ye micht nae fin naarhan the eeswal trails.

Ma bonnie weel hodden fa's ye'll see;
They are fair sma bit they're aisy oan the ee;
An syne amids the cweel ristfu bield wi its ow'r-hingin trees
Are the soons o its pirls whilk wull seen pit ye at yir ease.

Noo sit quait in late-Autumn's gowden licht;
Isn't fit ye can see there a graun an glorious sicht?
Mirror'd reflections in shadda'd lown-waater
Thit are sent doon there by the gloamin sin,
An gless-slitherin sheets thit jibble ow'r rocks till splyterly they rin.

Ma bonnie weel hodden fa's ye've seen;
Tho sma wur they nae fair aisy oan yir een?
An syne amids the cweel ristfu bield wi its ow'r-hingin trees
Did the soons o its pirls whaur ye've been pit ye at yir ease?

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