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Maggie Lauder - A Parody Song

The lyrics, based on Francis Sempill's 1650s song, "Maggie Lauder",
were composed by John Henderson on the 30th of October, 2008,
to a part of "Doreen's Waltz" played by the Glendaruel Scottish Dance Band.

Wha wadna be in luv ava
Wi bonnie Maggie Lauder?
A piper met her fyles gaen tae Crail,
An syne speered fit 'twis aa fowks caa'd her;
Bit richt veet'rately she answered him,
"Begone ye hallanshaker ....
Jist jog oan yir gate ye bladderskate,
Fowks caa me Maggie Lauder."

"Maggie, Och, an by ma bags,
I'm fidgin fain tae see ye;
Sit doon wi me lik a couthy lass,
For in troth I widna e'er steer ye;
Noo I am a piper lad ye ken,
Aa caa me Rab the Ranter;
Aa the lassies dince an loup aboot
Fan I strang blaa ma chanter."

"Piper lad hiv ye yir bags,
An drone thit's in guid fettle?
Gin ye be Rab I ken aa 'boot ye
Fae ma freens fa'v been ow'r tae Kettle.
There are mony aa aroon the Neuk
Hiv heard o Rab the Ranter,
An I'll shak a fit wi richt guid wull,
Gin ye'll blaa oan yir chanter."

Tae his bags Rab gaed richt pleast,
The drone he seen hid kinshit;
Meg up an wallop'd aa ow'r the green,
Losh it wis braw hoo weel she syne friskit.
"Ay weel deen! quo' he --"Play lood!" quo' she:
"Weel bobb'd!" quo', Rab the Ranter,
"Tis weel wirth my fyle tae play tae ye ,
Fan ye be sich a prancer."

"Rab ye've fairly play'd yir pairt,
Yir cheeks hiv gaen aa crimson,
There's nane in Scotland his play'd lik thon,
Sin the days o auld Habbie Simpson.
I hiv been in Fife baith maid an wife,
Noo echt years an a quarter;
Gin ye shid come ow'r tae Anster Fair,
Speer ye for Maggie Lauder."

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