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Granda - Nae A Dozent Lad

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 3rd of December, 2008
to Lew Pollack's 1936 music for 'At The Codfish Ball'.

Ging alang an jimp richt in, it's aye guid tae hiv a swim,
Fan the peel is inveetin an the sin is waarm!
Jine the ithers hivin fun, plowt'rin, lauchin, ilka yin,
Fan the watter's deleerin an the sin is waarm!
............ ....
Syne auld Granda Jakey leuks in trim fan stannin oan ilk han;
An noo he's waukin, the glaikit loon,
Bit he'll nae ging far 'fore he dooshes richt doon?
Oan he's plooin pins oot wide,
Seen he'll mak the en-wa side;
Syne he'll braig, "Fur hivvens sake, 'twis a piece o' cake!"

Noo ye bairnies nae bidin-wee, jist shaw him ye can dae yon tee;
Eese yir fingers clivverly, lik auld Granda's deen!
......... ....
In ye ging noo upside doon, bit dinna worry, ye'll nae droon,
Feerst blaw air oot frae yir lichts, thit is hoo it's deen!
Syne ilka bairnie teuk a tirn bit cudnae reese a pin;
Tapsalteer sich feckless yins,
An they seen cam up tap lik fish wi'oot fins!
Granda is leukin oan wi glee
"They maun practise, He! He! He!
An, they'll weel ken, their auld Granda's nae a dozent lad!"

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