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Wee Pete In Oor Street

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 30th of November, 2008
to Abner Silver's 1923 tune to 'When Will The Sun Shine For Me?'.

Come nar an tak tent this sang;
It is a dool yin;
Ye micht stert greetin;
It's aa aboot puir wee Pete in oor street,
Wha aft stans hungert, cauld an weet,
In his bare feet !
Whaur are his shin an fit-wye is he lane ?
I'll let ye ken afore I'm deen ..... ......
Sae gaither roon an list tae me,
Altho' ma tale cud be kittlesome tae dree.

Sax years ago Mags hid Pete,
Bit didna wint him,
An seen ill-eesed him;
Whit a life-stert hid wee Pete in oor street,
Sich an ull minnie, him jist twa,
She gings awa !
It wis sae sinfu, "Sae wrang, fowks thocht, by dang!"
"Whilk yin o us wull tak the loon ?"..... ......
Syne Weeda Wendy heisted Pete,
Teuk tent o him an kep him aye weel-fed an neat.

Fur eicht lang years she an Pete,
Heeld weel thegither,
Like son an mither;
Sae life is braw fur wee Pete in oor street,
A guid upfessin him she gies ...
....Bit syne she dees !
Pete's oan his lane, till Mags comes back tae bide,
An he seen fins oot she's oan the slide .... ....
Rizzon's strang liquor's gutsy han,
A dool fack wee Pete seen comes tae oonerstan.

Noo ye hiv hearken'd tae ma sang,
Ay twis a dool yin,
Ye've sterted greetin;
Ye ken aboot puir wee Pete in oor street,
Fit-wye he's hungert, cauld an weet,
In his bare feet !
He hisnae shin, he hisnae mony claes,
Nae breed or meat tae haill his waes ..... .....
Gie thenks ye're hale an fere ilk day,
An tak guid tent Pete gin he shid come yir way.

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