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Muckle Kye Doon In The Park

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 7th of December, 2008
to W.F. Walker's 1866 music for, "The Age of Wonders".

Brief Introduction

Fit a wonnerfu thing is a bunnet
Fur aye keppin yir heid dry an waarm;
Ye can tak a wee waak in aa wedders
Wi'oot fear fae strang sinsheen or storm;
Ilk even in winter an simmer
Tammy Tamson'd ging oot oan his lane,
Whaur the feedles heeld coos doucely grazin,
Or saff hunkert gin expeckin reyn.

A wonnerfu thing is a bunnet;
It's aye keppin heids dry and waarm;
It is nae tarranteesin umb'rella
Thit wull blaw inside oot in a storm.

Brief Interlude

Fan oot waakin ae nicht bein his haibit,
Sae thit he wid aye kep hale an fere,
The win sterted tae tickle his whiskers,
Sae he poo'd his cap doon ow'r ilk ear;
Bit nivver wid sich stap his fordal;
He wis weel clad an waarm as a pie;
Bit a suddent gust wheech'd aff his bunnet
Awa intae a feedle o' kye.

A wonnerfu thing is a bunnet;
It's aye keppin heids dry and waarm;
It is nae tarranteesin umb'rella
Thit wull blaw inside oot in a storm.

Brief Interlude

Tam gaed a-rinnin tae leuk whaur it lannit,
An seen fun oot thit 'twis gettin dark;
The coos hunkert for nicht-time wur scutters
'Mangst loats 'bunnets' aa ow'r the park;
Syne later fan speer'd hoo he'd fun it,
Tammy lauched afore gien his replee,
"Gin ye're gettin a guff of coos' splatter,
Ye'll ken feerst I tried oan twa or three!"

The lesson tae lern fae this binder;
Haud oan tae yir bunnet fan dark,
Maist espeeshully fan it is winny,
An there's muckle kye doon in the park!

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