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Jasmine's Fall

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 16th November, 2008,
to Jean Schwartz' music for 'Sarah's Hat'.

Jasmine's Fall

Jas-mine, a sign of bliss in heaven
Promised here below;
Jas-mine, releasing fragrant perfume
That God on high bestows;
Eve-ning, your time for hypnotising
With wafts of sweet allure,
Lul-ling the restless into dreamland,
Hearts and minds secure.

Morn-ing nigh, there you lie,
Fallen and looking forlorn;
Though the wind's iniquity has robbed you of tranquility,
'Twas your responsibility to ensure your own stability;
But don't despair, thirsty there,
Water in an egg-cup's on this tray;
Better on my window shelf and breathing out your inward self,
Than with'-ring away.

Jas-mine flow'r, comes the hour,
Daytime and sunshine is o'er;
In your brave recovery with petals white and lov-e-ly,
You've gained respectability and more delectability;
Yet from, your smell, all can tell,
You well know that night is on its way;
Keep on wafting-out your scent as Mother Nature's clear intent,
To sweet-en each day.

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