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Jean O' Strevlin

A parody to music of William Reid's 18th Century poem 'Kate O' Gowrie'
composed in North-East Scotland Doric by John Henderson on the 1st of November, 2008.
The tune is 'Come Over And Give Me Your Hand' played by John Ellis and his Highland Country Band.

Fan Jean naarhan wis echteen,
She hid bricht an come-hither een;
A bonnier lass hid ne'er been seen
In aa the Carse o Strevlin.

Scunnert bidin aa his lane,
Jock gaed tae his luv tae explain
Hoo sweert he'd be, gin she'd be his ain,
The proodest lad in Strevlin.

Jean said, "I'd ne'er mairry thee
For aa thit ye micht gie tae me;
Nor'll I gang a stap ajee
For aa the gowd in Strevlin."
Faither wull gie me twa guid kye;
Mither wull tak oot some yarn tae dye;
I'll git a goon jist lik the blue sky,
Gin I'll nae gang tae Strevlin."

"Och Jean, NAE, ye canna say,
Ye maun ken ma hert is sae wae;
Tak ma han an sit I pray,
We'll jaw a wee 'boot Strevlin.
Sin we ferst met at the shiel,
Aye tae thee ma saul his been leal;
Ye'll fin thit it's a canny-lik cheil
Ye're waddit tae in Strevlin.
Ye'll nae wint for claes dear Jean
Tae kep spirklin lichts in yir een
Fyle I tak tent ye aleen
In ma braw hame in Strevlin.
Mair I'll luv ye Jeanie dear
Nor ma rigs an oot-gaun gear;
Sae troo me noo fan I tae ye sweer.
Ye're wirth the Carse o Strevlin!"

Kissin her, bit nae ow'r seen,
Jock brocht mochie cloods tae her een;
She sooch'd saft at fit they'd deen,
Syne said, "I'll come tae Strevlin."

Waddit seen wi bairns twa,
Brawer lad ye nivver saw —
An their wee lass syne jist lik her maw ...
Nane bonnier in Strevlin.

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