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Auld Mac

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 19th of October, 2008
to James E. Dempsey and Johann C. Schmid's 'Moonlight in Jungleland',
played here by the inimitable, 'Perfessor' Bill Edwards.

Introductory Schottische

Comes the gloamin,
Ow'r the Heilan hills whaur yowes are roamin,
Auld Mac tirns his thochts them homin
Tae the faal whaur saff frae wolves they'll be.

In fant munelicht,
Howlin's hard thit maks the yowes stairt girnin;
Syne aa rinnin wull, they're scatter'd ow'r the hull,
Bit Auld Mac's sheepdug gedders ilk ... yin !

Wha'd be a herdin man,
Trachl'd ilk nicht ?
Kepin hirsels aye weel in his sicht
Awa frae ull fellers' micht.
Leen wi his collie dug,
He maun proteck
Thase woo-craturs wi muckle ken hoo aye,
Anse fin tribble an syne the seck !

Schottische Finale

Comes the sunset
Over the Highland hills where sheep are roaming
Old Mac turns his thoughts, and they're homing
To the fold where they'll be safe from wolves

In faint moonlight
Howling is heard that makes the sheep start moaning
Then all running wild, they are scattered over the hill
But Old Mac's sheepdog gathers each one

Who would be a shepherd
Bothered each night
Keeping flocks always well in sight
Away from cruel killers' might
Alone with his collie dog
He must protect
Those woolly creatures with great know-how always
Or else find trouble and then the sack ['lose his job']

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