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The Abortive 1715 Rising

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 14th November, 2008
to Jim Bottorff's playing of Abel Baer's 1924 tune for 'June Night'.

The Jacobites of the Earl of Mar (Bobbin' John) captured Perth on the 14th of September, 1715 without opposition and their army grew to around 8,000 men. But a force of less than 2,000 men under the Duke of Argyll held the Stirling plain for the government while Mar indecisively kept his forces in Perth. Later, at the Battle of Sheriffmuir on the 13th of November, Mar's forces were unable to defeat a smaller force led by the Duke of Argyll and so they retreated to Perth while the government army built up its strength.

Belatedly, on the 22nd of December, 1715, a ship from France brought James Stuart, 'The Old Pretender', to Peterhead, but he was too consumed by melancholy and fits of fever to inspire his followers. So the Jacobites returned to their highland homes.

Wha's King o Scots,
Fyle James Stuart rots
Ow'r there in France
Oan his lane? Och!
A German Laird,
Syne noo oor King ...
Geordie he'll hae tae ging!

Verse 1
Jean, gie me yir blessin an I'll be awa,
Doon the glen, wi ither men
Wha'v hard the ca, tae airms an aa ...
Och, Tommy, we'll miss ye,
Tak guid tent yirsel
Syne come back, ere Yeel time
Frae sich bluidy hell.

Verse 2
I'll gie ye ma blessin an 'Bobbin John' tee,
Redd the fae, an sen them hame,
Oot o oor lan, an set us free.
Ay, lassie, we'll dae it, an seen ye wull see
Aa Argyll's, fell sodgers birred tirn rin an flee!

Wha's King o Scots,
Fyle James Stuart rots
Ow'r there in France
Oan his lane? Och!
A German Laird
Syne noo oor King ...
Geordie he'll hae tae ging!

Verse 3
Mar's men came thegither tae tak ow'r Perth toon,
Syne did wyte, whilk wis bit gyte,
Whan fyow cheils heeld, auld Stirlin' doon.
The nummer o sodgers Argyll hid wis sma,
Bit e'en sae 'muir' fechtin brocht nocht bit a dra.

Verse 4
Whan auld James Stuart landed nar Yeel time frae France,
Herts wur bricht, an howps wur hich,
He'd lead wi fire, an tak his chance;
Bit naithin expeckit frae James ivver came,
Sae turk an disjaskit, the kilties gaed hame!

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