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A Shepherd's Mornin Faar-Ye-Weel

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 29th September, 2008
to Leslie Sturdy's music for the song, 'From The Time You Say Goodbye'.

Ah'll be lang lang miles awa frae oor hame
Ower sna-tap'd-hulls an burns oan roch meers,
Bit Ah'll shair strive wi aa ma micht an mane
Tae be wi ye aa the nicht ma dears;
Kep oor ingle-lowe bricht wi wid frae the stack,
Sae oor but-an-ben's kitchie bides aye bien;
Tak guid tent yer Mam syne oontill Ah've gatten back
An ma darg an trail hame's been deen.

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