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The Old Music-Halls

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of September, 2008
to Victor Herbert's music for 'The Streets of New York',
and played here by great rag-time pianist 'Perfessor' Bill Edwards.

All the Old Music-Halls could be noisy or cheery;
The audiences there being liquored or beery;
If 'hum-drum' artistes took the stage,
They'd suffer drunken rage;
But if the comics were good, and their songs somewhat rude,
All the punters displayed a more jovial mood;
Although many were tight, they still knew what was right
For a pawky Friday night!

The Music-Halls! The Music-Halls!
Of past Edwardian days,
Were ever there for those who'd dare
To pass time in such care-free ways;
In many'a town they could be found
And there folks had great fun;
Such joy-times spent were heaven-sent
For ev'ry one.
The Music-Halls! The Music-Halls!
Of past Edwardian days,
Were ever there for those who'd dare
To pass time in such care-free ways;
In many'a town they could be found
And there folks had great fun;
Such joy-times spent were heav'n-sent
For each and ev'ry one.

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