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Bonny Annie

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 4th of September, 2008
to Gordon Patullo's playing of part of Jimmy Shand's 'The Francis Wright Waltz'.

The rase mune is up ow'r the ben nar oor kirkton,
The oor is wearin-oan fan I ken thit I wull gang
Tak-oot the wid-cutter's dochter up Glenside's bricht waater,
An let her ken hoo muckle her John Angus wints her han.
I ken there's a scunner wi rowth o guid siller
Wid fain win a wee glent frae her byowtifu e'e,
Bit ma ain bonny Annie, nane brawer nor she
Keps aa o her canoodlin an huggin jist for me.

'Tis lang syne fan we baith wauk'd the Hielands sae fair,
Twa ill-trickit bairns blythely startlin the deer;
Fan I pledg'd ma hale lifetime tae her as ma wife,
There wis ne'er a grauner pleesure nor Annie bein near.
Still today's she's the flooer, I sense ilka oor,
A floorish I'll cherish an haud till I dee,
She's ma ain bonny Annie, nane brawer there be,
She's health to me and wealth to me, ma faithfu wife is she.

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