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Bleck Affrontit

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 1st of September, 2008
to Harry Tierney's 1919 tune for 'Alice Blue Gown'.

Wi his kilt hingin doon 'neth his knees,
An his sporran ow'r wachty tae heeze,
Jock wis nae a smert sicht, tae be trystin ae nicht
Wi wee Mary McFadyen, wha aye lik'd things richt.
Fan she saa him she gied him a froon,
An caa'd oot, "Ye're a muckle buffoon;
Ging an pit oan yir troosers, anse we'll baith be losers,
Frae fleers gien by aa aroon toon."

Syne peer Jock bleck affrontit wis he,
An thocht Mary's nae mebbe fur me;
Och, she cares muckle mair, 'boot the claithes thit Ah wear
Than the guid kinna bodie Ah am thit's fur shair."
Sae he tirned roon an gied her a glow'r,
An caa'd oot, "Ach ye're chysey an dow'r,
Ging an fin ye anither, 'fore aa yir leuks widder,
Wha'll tak ye nae maiter hoo sour."

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